perm filename NLM[AM,DBL] blob sn#576666 filedate 1981-04-06 generic text, type C, neo UTF8
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		Investigator: Douglas B. Lenat

1. Objectives

This  project's  major   objective  is  the   application  of   artificial
intelligence  (AI)  techniques  to   various  specific  tasks   (primarily
medical).  To  achieve  this goal,  several  software packages  are  being
developed, each of which has more or less general applicability.  Some are
still experimental vehicles (RLL, MRS), but most have already seen several
applications (EMYCIN, AGE, UNITS).  Together, these packages comprise what
we term a Knowledge Engineer's Workbench; they are tools which  facilitate
the rapid construction, testing, modification, and explanation (access) of
knowledge-based programs.

The theme  this year  has been  the facilitating  of direct  use of  these
systems by  experts  from  medical  and  other  disciplines.   EMYCIN  has
produced a  new users'  manual,  and several  new applications  have  been
developed directly by medical specialists.  AGE has improved its debugging
and explanation facilities.  UNITS, responding  to user  demand, has  been
speeded up by an  order of magnitude,  and a new  rules language has  been

2. Studies and Results

Three new applications  of EMYCIN  were pursued  this year.  The first,  a
medical  consultant  program,  tracks  an  expectant  mother  through  her
pregnancy, recommending  tests,  detecting potentially  dangerous  medical
conditions, and  estimating  the  current  age  of  gestation.   A  second
consultant  identifies  probable  causes  of  failures  in  teleprocessing
subsystems of IBM 370-class computer systems.  The third major  consultant
now under development seeks to  identify rock formations found at  various
depths of  an  oil-well  bore  hole.  Thanks  to  the  improved  knowledge
acquisition capabilities  of EMYCIN,  and the  availability of  an  EMYCIN
manual, each of these  three consultants were  constructed largely by  the
experts themselves.  After initial  discussions concerned with the  design
of the systems goals, the identification  of the data to be gathered,  and
the basic flow of  the consultant's dialogue, the  process of writing  and
inputting the hundreds of  rules and parameters per  system has been  done
primarily by the expert. All of them have remarked on the ease with  which
the current facilities allow this interaction to occur.

The UNITS package  has been made  into a more  comfortable one for  users.
This has involved  engineering the  system to  be as  bug-free as  humanly
possible and  improving  speed  and  space in  the  system  by  orders  of
magnitude.  Most of the improvements have  come from noting the places  in
the system where needless "generality" slowed down the system.   Secondly,
a natural "rules language" has been developed, one which easily admits the
description of procedural expertise. In effect, computer-naive experts can
now write simple  "programs" in limited  contexts during the  rule-writing

Following feedback  at  an  AGE  workshop,  that  system's  debugging  and
traceback explanation facilities were expanded.  AGE versions of LITHO and
VM have been  created, and  a new,  complex application  problem has  been
started, to explore the merits and drawbacks of the currently  implemented

The research  on RLL  and  MRS began  with the  goal  of giving  a  system
knowledge of itself and  the ability to control  its operation and  modify
its own structure.  With a few simple statements, it is possible to select
a new data structure (e.g. property lists) or enable a different inference
algorithm (e.g. a general procedure like property inheritance or  backward
chaining or a domain specific procedural attachment).  One goal is to keep
MRS simultaneously  maintained  in  Maclisp, Interlisp,  Franz  Lisp,  and
Lisp370.  MRS  was used  in the  DART project  (mentioned above)  and  the
Intelligent  Agents  project  (smart  interface  for  computer   operating
systems).   The  system   has  been   exported  for  trial   use  by   the
Hewlett-Packard Co. and  the Rand Corp.   RLL is a  program which  "knows"
about the components of representation languages in general.  It  provides
the user  with  an  extendable  collection of  high  level  operators  and
constructs which he can use to describe and build components of his target
language.  After  the user  has specified  the desirable  features of  the
target language, RLL  integrates these components  into a functional,  new
representation language.  In other words,  a user can readily and  rapidly
design a  personalized language,  exactly  suited to  the domain  and  the
application task at hand.

3. Goals for the Coming Year

In the next  year, we expect  to accelerate the  number and complexity  of
applications of our tools,  thereby providing more feedback  to aid us  in
improving them and designing new and better tools. We expect most of these
applications will be  built almost exclusively  by the interested  experts
themselves, with less recourse to programmers and system designers than in
previous years.  Some of our more experimental tools, such as MRS and RLL,
will be getting their first real trials this year.

AGE is planning, and  has already begun, a  large-scale test on a  complex
application. A multi-facet display capability is also being designed.  MRS
will see  the construction  of  useful new  "plug-in"  modules and  a  few
extensions to the inference capabilities.   The issues of primary  concern
at this point include an implementation of default reasoning and reasoning
with equality.   Both MRS  and  RLL are  expanding their  capabilities  to
reason about their own structure and behavior.  RLL is being used to build
the Eurisko system, a  program which gathers its  own empirical data,  and
tries to synthesize new heuristic rules.  Each project is also  continuing
this year's theme, the  increasing facility with  which an outside  expert
can sit down and construct knowledge based expert system.

		Investigator:  Douglas B. Lenat

1. Objectives

This  project's  major   objective  is  the   application  of   artificial
intelligence  (AI)  techniques  to   various  specific  tasks   (primarily
medical).  To  achieve  this goal,  several  software packages  are  being
developed,  each  of  which  has  more  or  less  general   applicability.
Together, these  packages comprise  what we  term a  Knowledge  Engineer's
Workbench;  they  are  tools  which  facilitate  the  rapid  construction,
testing,  modification,  and   explanation  (access)  of   knowledge-based

The theme  this year  has been  the facilitating  of direct  use of  these
systems by  experts  from  medical  and  other  disciplines.   EMYCIN  has
produced a  new users'  manual,  and several  new applications  have  been
developed directly by  medical specialists, without  the need to  interact
closely with the system designers and maintainers.  In GRAVIDA, a  program
for tracking  the  progress  of  pregnancies  and  suggesting  tests  when
appropriate, Dr.  V. Catanzarite  entered all  300 rules  by himslef.  The
LITHO system, which predicts  the lithofaces (types of  rocks) in a  well,
had about 250  rules, also  entered directly  by the  expert, Dr.  Jacques
Harry.  Using DART, our expert (S. Snyder) entered 190 rules to produce  a
model-based diagnoser of teleprocessing faults.

The objective is being reached: experts are now sitting down and doing  it
themselves.  The theme was echoed in the work this year on AGE.  Following
a productive  workshop last  winter,  work has  focused on  improving  the
debugging and traceback facilities. In  UNITS, responding to user  demand,
the system has been speeded up by  an order of magnitude, and a new  rules
language has been implmented.

This year,  as last  year, we  have applied  our existing  packages  (AGE,
EMYCIN, UNITS)  to  new  medical tasks.   Tools  still  under  development
(CORLL, RLL,  MRS) have  been tentatively  applied to  various  scientific
tasks, though already we see the tool-like nature of these packages: CORLL
was used to build both RLL and MRS.

2. Studies and Results

2.1 Direct Construction of EMYCIN Consultants by Experts

Three new applications  of EMYCIN  were pursued  this year.  The first,  a
medical consultant called  GRAVIDA, was  developed to  track an  expectant
mother through her pregnancy. Constructed by Dr. V. Catanzarite, currently
a resident at Santa Clara Valley Hospital, the system acquires information
about current  and  past medical  problems  of the  mother,  any  previous
pregnancies, and general historical data about the patient.  GRAVIDA  then
keeps track  of the  patient  on a  per-visit basis,  recommending  tests,
detecting potentially  dangerous medical  conditions, and  estimating  the
current age of gestation. The construction of this consultant required the
extension of the rule language (by adding several new predicate functions)
to look for simple trends and events over a series of previous visits.

The other consultants are applied  to non-medical domains. In  conjunction
with the IBM Corporation we have developed a consultant, called DART, that
identifies probable causes of failures in teleprocessing subsystems of IBM
370-class computer systems.  The system accepts  stylized descriptions  of
the observed failure (e.g., lost data, machine went into a loop,  terminal
doesn't respond, etc.) and then directs the acquisition of data which  are
collected from traces available to field service personnel. Finally,  DART
uses this data to indict specific components, both hardware and  software,
which might be broken.

The other major consultant  now under development  seeks to identify  rock
formations  found  at  various  depths  of  an  oil-well  bore  hole.  The
consultant,  called  LITHO,  examines  geological  and  physical  data  of
individual zones of interest to identify various aspects of the geological
formations. This consultant is being  constructed in conjunction with  the
Schlumberger Corporation and  is similar to  the GEO consultant  developed
with the AGE system. [qv]

With the  publication of  a  thesis on  the EMYCIN  system  [vanMelle80a],
dealing with the  design of improved  knowledge acquisition facilties  for
EMYCIN, and the availability  of an EMYCIN  manual [vanMelle80b], each  of
these  three  consultants   were  constructed  largely   by  the   experts
themselves.  After initial  discussions concerned with  the design of  the
systems goals, the  identification of  the data  to be  gathered, and  the
basic flow  of  the consultant's  dialogue,  the process  of  writing  and
inputting the hundreds of  rules and parameters per  system has been  done
primarily by the expert. All of them have remarked on the ease with  which
the current facilities allow  this interaction to occur.   As a result  of
these experiments  numerous improvements  and modifications,  both to  the
EMYCIN system and to the manual, have been incorporated into the package.

2.2 Facilitating the Use of UNITS

Last year,  we  described  in  detail  the  Units  system,  a  frame-based
knowledge representation package, developed  in the context of  experiment
design in molecular genetics.  New molecular biology applications of Units
have been developed,  but for  this section  we shall  concentrate on  two
major areas in which the Units package itself has progressed as a tool for
building such systems.

The first major push has  been to make the  package a comfortable one  for
users.  This has  involved engineering  the system  to be  as bug-free  as
humanly possible and improving  speed and space in  the system.  Over  the
past twelve months, the  package has speeded  up by at  least an order  of
magnitude (sometimes far more than that) in most important areas.  We have
also developed ways to increase user  storage available (but we are  still
greatly hampered by address space limitations).  We have had the chance to
observe over a dozen user groups and have learned from them.  Most of  our
improvements have come from noting the places in the system where needless
"generality" slowed down the system.  There were dozens of places where  a
feature that may have been used once in a thousand times (like a  TRANSFER
message on a slot) slowed the routine  operation by more than an order  of
mag.  We have tried to still allow generality, but have left it up to  the
user to decide.  This work,  along with Age, MRS, and  RLL, is one of  the
first 2nd-generation knowledge  representation systems.  Much  of this  is
motivated by the fact that the majority of our knowlege base builders  are
almost completely computer-naive.

Our second major push in  the last year has  been the implementation of  a
language for the  description of procedural  expertise-- a natural  "rules
language".  This has  allowed scientists  to custom- design  all sorts  of
programs from simple data  manipulation and consistency checking  routines
to more  advance planning  and  reasoning systems  like a  DNA  sequencing
adviser.  A  paper on  this subject  has been  submitted to  IJCAI81  this
coming summer.

2.3 AGE: A Workshop and its Effects

In the AGE system an attempt has been made to isolate inference,  control,
and representation techniques from a few previous knowledge-based systems,
and  reprogram  them  for  domain  independence.   AGE  is  a  library  of
building-block programs (called "components")  combined with an  interface
that assists the user  in the design  and construction of  knowledge-based
programs.  It is  hoped that  AGE will speed  up the  process of  building
knowledge-based programs and facilitate the dissemination of AI techniques
by:  (1) packaging common AI software tools so that they do not need to be
reprogrammed for  every  problem;  and  (2) helping  people  who  are  not
knowledge-engineering specialists write knowledge-based programs.

In the  past year,  the AGE  Project was  involved in  the following  four
activities: First, a  workshop was help,  in which six  people were  given
hands-on experience  learning  to  use AGE.   Second,  the  debugging  and
traceback explanation facilities of AGE have been expanded. Third, we have
embarked upon a new, complex application problem to explore the merits and
drawbacks of the currently implemented AGE.  Fourth, a new medical user of
AGE has joined the project.

The objective of holding the AGE Workshop was two-fold: (1) To explore how
to teach potential users  of AGE, the  details of the  system; and (2)  To
determine if the current documentations were adequate.  It was found  that
"typical" users of AGE did not possess enough background knowledge in  the
art of  building  knowledge-based program  to  use AGE  effectively.   The
solution to this problem is not obvious. However, we plan in the  long-run
to provide a more  comprehensive tutorial and  program design aids  within
AGE.  In the mean time a  new user will require extensive consultation  in
the area of problem formulation before he or she will be ready to use AGE.

It was found that the current documentation is adequate for users  already
somewhat familiar with AGE.  The documents used for the workshop were "Joy
of AGE-ing" and "AGE Reference Manual".  However, we found that one of the
best teaching  tools is  examples.  Since  the workshop  we have  begun  a
series on documented examples, of which  there are now two in the  series.
These  examples  are  actually  implemented  and  running  programs;  each
document consists of description of the problem, its formulation in  terms
of AGE, reasons  for the  way in  which the  program was  designed, and  a
complete program listing.

Debugging and Other Related Facilities:  In our programming activities  of
the past year, we placed our emphasis on improving the user interface  and
on developing debugging  facilities.  We have  implemented run-time  trace
and break facilities.  We are currently implementing a traceback facility,
a facility whereby the user can obtain an explanation of what happened  in
the program after the fact.   One option we are  adding is the ability  of
the system  to  backchain.   Augmentations  have been  made  to  the  user
interaction functions,  the acquisition  and  editing functions,  and  the
user's data input functions.

Staff Development  of  an Application  Program:  We have  found  that  the
current users  of  AGE  do  not  take  full  advantage  of  the  range  of
programming possibilities designed into AGE.  This is due in large part to
the fact that  the users are  not familiar enough  with various  knowledge
engineering techniques, nor familiar enough with AGE.  We, therefore, took
on the task of implementing an application problem that was complex enough
to need some of the more advanced  features of AGE. At the same time,  the
program was designed in such a way as to utilize most of the different AGE
features.  From this activity we have  found some weak points, as well  as
more desirable features,  that will be  fixed and/or added  in the  future
versions.  Parts of  the application  will be  put in  the Example  Series
mentioned earlier.

2.4 MRS - A Modifiable Rpresentation System

Our research  in  knowledge representation  has  largely focussed  on  the
problem of giving a system knowledge of itself and the ability to  control
its operation and modify its  structure.  Two outgrowths of this  research
are the  Modifiable  Representation  System  MRS  and  the  Representation
Language   Language   RLL   (described   below).    MRS   is   a   minimal
self-descriptive system with the ability to reason about its own structure
and behavior.   RLL is  intended to  have more  extensive knowledge  about
knowledge representation and thereby  facilitate the tailoring the  system
for partiular applications.  MRS is much smaller than RLL and is conceived
of as the core  from which the more  knowledgeable RLL will eventually  be
built.  Superficially, MRS differs from RLL in its external language (full
predicate calculus rather than "units")  and in the specific  capabilities
available (e.g.  general backward chaining).

As a knowledge representation system in its own right, MRS is intended for
use by AI researchers in building  expert systems.  It offers a  repertory
of commands for asserting and retrieving information, with varying degrees
of  inference.   Information  is  entered  in  a  predicate  calculus-like
language of assertions and is stored in either a propositional network  or
any of a variety of specialized data representations (e.g. property lists,
alists, bit  vectors).   The  initial  system  includes  a  vocabulary  of
concepts  and  facts   about  logic,  sets,   mappings,  arithmetic,   and

What makes  MRS  special among  knowledge  representation systems  is  its
ability to deal with itself in the same way that it deals with application
domains (like geology and medicine).  In MRS, the basic representation  is
described within the representation  itself, and the inference  techniques
used in reasoning about  application domains can  be applied to  reasoning
about the  system.   For example,  MRS  might  use facts  about  sets  and
sequences to determine whether  a statement is provable,  or it might  use
facts about directed  graphs to  determine that backward  chaining is  the
most appropriate technique to use with forward branching search spaces.

Because of MRS's formalism and meta-level vocabulary, it's possible for  a
user to ask the system questions about itself; and, since the system has a
partial self-description, it  can answer  many of  these questions.   More
importantly, the  system uses  its own  description in  carrying out  each
operation.  The upshot is that the  user can affect MRS's behavior  simply
by modifying  this  description.  With  a  few simple  statements,  it  is
possible to select a new data structure (e.g. property lists) or enable  a
different inference  algorithm (e.g.  a  general procedure  like  property
inheritance  or  backward  chaining   or  a  domain  specific   procedural

Furthermore, MRS is fully  modifiable, i.e. it can  be converted into  any
LISP program by making assertions within its own formalism (hence the name
"Modifiable  Representation  System").    Most  knowledge   representation
systems were developed in the context of particular applications, e.g. KRL
and OWL in natural language and  Units in molecular biology.  The  problem
is that  what is  good for  one  application is  usually not  perfect  for
another.  Although most  systems offer  their users a  number of  options,
there are often undesirable design  decisions that cannot be changed.   In
MRS modifiability is  a design  goal, which  is realized  by the  system's
self-descriptive vocabulary  and  its  handling  of  changes  in  its  own

Of course, bare Lisp is  also fully modifiable.  One important  difference
is that MRS's language is more  general than Lisp's, allowing its user  to
assert arbitrary  facts in  the  predicate calculus  as well  as  defining
procedures.   Furthermore,   the   transformation   to   other   knowledge
representation systems  is facilitated  by the  knowledge about  knowledge
representation built into larger systems like RLL.

State of Implementation and Use

The core of MRS is fully  implemented in DEC-20 Maclisp and Interlisp  and
will soon be available in Franz Lisp on the Vax and Interlisp on the Xerox
Dolphin.  A separate effort is underway  to implement the system in  IBM's
LISP370.  MRS is being used in a variety of research projects at Stanford,
incuding the  DART  project  (automated  diagnosis  of  computer  hardware
failures) and the Intelligent Agents project (smart interface for computer
operating systems).  The  system has been  exported for trial  use by  the
Hewlett-Packard Co. and the Rand Corp.

In its  initial  state,  MRS uses  a  "propositional"  representation  for
storing information.   The  representation  is fully  indexed  and  has  a
flexible context mechanism.  Before carrying out any operation, the system
uses depth-first backward chaining at the meta-level to figure out how  to
carry out the operation.  Initially, application-level deductions also use
depth-first backward chaining.

In  addition  to   the  core  system,   several  "plug-in"  modules   that
substantially increase the capability of MRS have been built.  The  agenda
module provides  the  system with  the  ability to  do  breadth-first  and
best-first searches in  addition to the  default depth-first search.   The
property list  module allows  the  user to  store  facts in  a  frame-like
property list representation instead of the propositional  representation.
The demon  module  allows  the  user  to  write  general  "if-needed"  and
"if-removed" methods.

2.5 RLL: a language in which to build new representation tools

RLL is a tool to  facilitiate the building of  expert programs -- and  new
tools for building expert  programs -- quickly.  RLL  is itself an  expert
program, whose domain of expertise is knowledge representation.  Last year
we mentioned it briefly  as a new experimental  vehicle; this year it  has
come of age as a tool on the knowledge engineer's workbench.

The standard first step taken in building an application program in AI  is
the design and  implementation of  a language  in which  to represent  the
knowledge the program will  use.  Experience has  shown that the  language
developed in one application is seldom adaptated for use in other programs
--  the  features  that  were  useful  for  the  original  problem  become
limitations elsewhere.   Thus, a  specialized representation  language  is
redesigned and reimplemented for each application -- a very time consuming

RLL (Representation  Language Language)  is designed  to reduce  the  time
spent building  such representation  languages.  It  is a  language  which
"knows" about the components of  representation languages in general.   It
provides the user with  an extendable collection  of high level  operators
and constructs which he  can use to describe  and build components of  his
target language.  After the user  has specified the desirable features  of
the target language,  RLL integrates these  components into a  functional,
new representation  language.  In  other  words, a  user can  readily  and
rapidly design a personalized language,  exactly suited to the domain  and
the application task at hand.

RLL is an open-ended language in which the user can add pieces of language
not provided  in RLL's  standard repetoir.   Currently RLL  can deal  with
pieces  such  as  slots,  modes  of  inheritance,  and  specification   of
functions.  Slots conform  to the  definition given in  the UNITS  package
(see page ?).  In fact, RLL borrowed much of its nomenclature, as well  as
software, from UNITS.   For example,  it uses one  of UNITS  main mode  of
inheritance, the Example link.  This inheritance relationship  corresponds
to set theory notion of "element-of".  However, there is nothing in  UNITS
which corresponds to RLL's use  of functional specification.  This  domain
is currently being explored,  because it would  help unify many  outwardly
diverse concepts, such as processes, mechanisms, and slots.

The initial RLL system is itself a very versatile representation language.
For most tasks, the user can use  it as he might any other  representation
language.  What distinguishes RLL is that the user is not forced to follow
the constraints imposed by a particular language; instead, he can mold his
copy of RLL to accomodate his particular task.

RLL derives this  flexibility in two  ways.  First, RLL  contains a  large
library of largely independent, pre-fabricated "representational  pieces".
For example, there are many (mutually incompatible) ways in which one  can
associate facts with an object.  One corresponds to UNIT's idea of a slot,
while another is the use of pointer to a list or relevant assertions.  For
example, consider how to  represent "Fred is the  Father of Mary".   Using
slots, "Father"  slot of  the unit  Mary would  be filled  with the  value
"Fred".  Using links, the unit Mary would point to the assertion  "(Father
Mary Fred)".  The first method, using  explicit slots, is "active" in  the
initial RLL system.  If this  proves unsatifactory, a simple command  will
instruct RLL to switch to the second method.  From then on, (or, at least,
until the user's next alterring command) the user modified version of  RLL
will prevail.   Furthermore, RLL  will  automatically convert  the  user's
existing data into the new format.

To effectively use the variety  of components, RLL must "understand"  what
each does, and  how.  This information  allows RLL to  mesh diverse  parts
together to form  a coherent and  workable whole.  As  such, it should  be
possible for the  user to  design a  fairly arbitrary  language by  simply
choosing the precise amalgamation of the  pieces he needs, leaving to  RLL
the responsibility of fitting them together.

Cataloging of possible components will  never be totally complete.   RLL's
second approach towards generality is its collection of tools designed  to
help the user  fabricate new  parts.  A  set of  high-level operators  are
provided so  that  the  user  can  define new  components  or  a  type  of
components, or refine existing ones.

For example, the user can  define the "Parents" slot  as the union of  the
"Mother" and "Father" slots.  That is, the value of the "Parents" slot  of
an individual is a list consisting of the values of that person's "Mother"
and "Father" slots.  This brief definition, Parent = Union(Mother Father),
is sufficient to  tell RLL everything  it needs to  know about this  slot.
RLL now  knows to  automatically invalidate  the value  stored for  Fred's
parents if  his mother  remarries.  Furthermore  it knows  that only  some
units may have a Parents  slots, i.e. those which  have both a Mother  and
Father slots.  (Hence while each person  or zebra should have parents,  we
should not  expect  a  VLSI  chip  to have  such  a  slot,  nor  the  unit
representing the class of functions.)

The language parts,  however they  were derived, become  the language  the
user can use for his task.  If he later discovers limitations in this  set
he  need  only  replace  or  redesign  the  offending  components.   RLL's
collection  of  types  of  parts,  and  its  high-level  operators,   make
modifications relatively  simple.   As  shown above,  RLL  then  does  the
"busywork", such as reformatting the existing  data to conform to the  set
of new conventions.

Although interests  have been  expressed in  using RLL  for a  variety  of
applications, the system has only  recently become sufficiently stable  to
permit others to use it.  RLL's power can be seen in the variety of  tasks
in which it has been employed:  an adventure game simulation an (internal)
exploration towards a more complete self-description of its various  parts
using lower-level primitives, and a complex task in which RLL assumed  the
role of  expert-system builder,  designing a  program to  handle with  oil

3. Goals for the Coming Year

In the next  year, we expect  to accelerate the  number and complexity  of
applications of our tools,  thereby providing more feedback  to aid us  in
improving them and designing new and better tools. We expect most of these
applications will be  built almost exclusively  by the interested  experts
themselves, with less recourse to programmers and system designers than in
previous years.  Some of our more experimental tools, such as MRS and RLL,
will be getting their first real trials this year.

AGE is planning, and  has already begun, a  large-scale test on a  complex
application. A multi-facet display package  is also on the drawing  board.
Control opions which admit of  simultaneous backward and forward  chaining
of rules are expected.  AGE will also push toward a general  standardizing
and simplifying of its underlying data structures this year.

Our primary effort in the continued development of MRS is being devoted to
the construction of useful new "plug-in"  modules and a few extensions  to
the inference capabilities.  The issues  of primary concern at this  point
include  an  implementation  of  default  reasoning  and  reasoning   with
equality.  At  a more  theoretical level,  we are  expanding the  system's
capabilities  to   reason   about   its  own   structure   and   behavior.
Specifically, we would  like to give  the user the  capability to  specify
"invariants" that the  system will automatically  enforce.  We would  also
like to implement  a module  that can reason  about the  structure of  the
knowledge in particular application areas in order to choose or design  an
appropriate  representation.   Both  MRS  and  RLL  are  expanding   their
capabilities to reason  about their  own structure and  behavior.  RLL  is
being used to build  the Eurisko system, a  program which gathers its  own
empirical data, and tries to synthesize new heuristic rules.  Each project
is also continuing this year's  theme, the increasing facility with  which
an outside  expert  can sit  down  and construct  knowledge  based  expert


make sure to include these:

Genesereth, M. R. & Lenat, D. B.  A Modifiable Representation System,
HPP-80-20, Staford University Heuristic Programmin Project, October 1980.

Genesereth, M. R. , Greiner, R., Smith, D.: The MRS Manual,
HPP-80-24, Stanford University Heuristic Programming Project, November 1980.

Greiner, Russell and Lenat, Douglas B., "A Representation Language Language",
Proc. First AAAI Conference, Stanford, August, 1980.

Greiner, Russell,  "RLL-1: A Representation Language Language",
Memo HPP-80-9,
Stanford University,
October, 1980.

Greiner, Russell and Lenat, Douglas B.,  "Details of RLL-1",
Memo HPP-80-23, Stanford University, October, 1980.

Also my mhpp memo aboutthe nature of heuristics.